The FYUGP Induction Programme was conducted by Ideal College for Advanced Studies, Kadakassery, on 22 July 2024 at 10 am in the college seminar hall. This programme was mainly aimed at first-year students to provide insights into the four-year undergraduate programme and its features. The programme was welcomed by Ms. Vineetha A.P(coordinator,FYUGP).The event was presided over by Prof. Moideenkutty TK, (Vice Principal). The programme was officially inaugurated by Prof. Koyakutty TK(Principal).
The keynote speaker, Dr. Anas Edarath, Principal of MES Ponnani College, explained the features of the FYUGP Programme. The programme was felicitated by Mr. Abhilash Sankar, Administrative Officer. The event culminated with a vote of thanks by Mr. Deepesh VP, (Assistant Professor of Computer Application).